Why does the sun go on shining...
(too old to reply)
2012-12-21 06:39:48 UTC
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
The Mayan Long Count tells me so.

(But hopefully):

I'll wake up in the morning and I'll wonder
Why everything is the same as it was...

It's late evening here, but somewhere in the world it's
already tomorrow. Ie, December 21st, 2012, the day that
Time itself is supposed to come to a screeching, grinding,
shuddering, smoking, chattering brake-drum-scoring halt.

It seems the World is about to end with neither a bang nor a whimper,
but with some antique Mexican calender running out of pages
(complete with pinup girls. That *would* be a global calamity).

So what's going to happen? I'm almost afraid to go to sleep tonight
for fear of missing whatever it is. Some contributors on this forum have
predicted nothing out of the ordinary for tomorrow. But surely people
as clever as the stargazing Mayans wouldn't have created this
cosmic cliffhanger for nothing.

So what did they know that we don't (yet)? The Great State
of Michigan in its wisdom went so far as to close 33 schools
as a precaution:

In a perhaps prophetic film _The Dark Crystal_ some kind of
celestial alignment becomes the Moment of Truth -- in which
an elf-like creature called a Gelfling is tasked with restoring
a crystal shard into its proper fissure on the Great Gem.

If anyone out there happens to have this shard would they please
replace it toot sweet. Just in case.

Pete Fisher
2012-12-21 08:51:34 UTC
Post by sean_q
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
The Mayan Long Count tells me so.
I'll wake up in the morning and I'll wonder
Why everything is the same as it was...
It's late evening here, but somewhere in the world it's
already tomorrow. Ie, December 21st, 2012, the day that
Time itself is supposed to come to a screeching, grinding,
shuddering, smoking, chattering brake-drum-scoring halt.
Don't panic. Not until 11.12 GMT innit?
Aprilia Shiver, Gilera GFR * 2, Moto Morini 2C/375
Yamaha WR250Z/Supermoto "Old Gimmer's Hillclimber"
YZ450F Supermoto "Evaluation for the lad"
"Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in the reality"
Pete Fisher
2012-12-21 09:13:54 UTC
Post by Pete Fisher
Post by sean_q
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
The Mayan Long Count tells me so.
I'll wake up in the morning and I'll wonder
Why everything is the same as it was...
It's late evening here, but somewhere in the world it's
already tomorrow. Ie, December 21st, 2012, the day that
Time itself is supposed to come to a screeching, grinding,
shuddering, smoking, chattering brake-drum-scoring halt.
Don't panic. Not until 11.12 GMT innit?
Correction 11.11 GMT (11.12 UTC) what serendipitous symmetry.
Aprilia Shiver, Gilera GFR * 2, Moto Morini 2C/375
Yamaha WR250Z/Supermoto "Old Gimmer's Hillclimber"
YZ450F Supermoto "Evaluation for the lad"
"Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in the reality"
2012-12-21 11:57:10 UTC
Post by Pete Fisher
Post by Pete Fisher
Post by sean_q
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
The Mayan Long Count tells me so.
I'll wake up in the morning and I'll wonder
Why everything is the same as it was...
It's late evening here, but somewhere in the world it's
already tomorrow. Ie, December 21st, 2012, the day that
Time itself is supposed to come to a screeching, grinding,
shuddering, smoking, chattering brake-drum-scoring halt.
Don't panic. Not until 11.12 GMT innit?
Correction 11.11 GMT (11.12 UTC) what serendipitous symmetry.
Does the Mayan calendar allow for GMT-5 correction?

990SMT - bouncy orange tractor
GSXR1000 - vintage sports-tourer
Pete Fisher
2012-12-21 12:20:48 UTC
Post by ogden
Post by Pete Fisher
Post by Pete Fisher
Post by sean_q
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
The Mayan Long Count tells me so.
I'll wake up in the morning and I'll wonder
Why everything is the same as it was...
It's late evening here, but somewhere in the world it's
already tomorrow. Ie, December 21st, 2012, the day that
Time itself is supposed to come to a screeching, grinding,
shuddering, smoking, chattering brake-drum-scoring halt.
Don't panic. Not until 11.12 GMT innit?
Correction 11.11 GMT (11.12 UTC) what serendipitous symmetry.
Does the Mayan calendar allow for GMT-5 correction?
Does the sun?
Aprilia Shiver, Gilera GFR * 2, Moto Morini 2C/375
Yamaha WR250Z/Supermoto "Old Gimmer's Hillclimber"
YZ450F Supermoto "Evaluation for the lad"
"Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in the reality"
Grimly Curmudgeon
2012-12-21 11:39:50 UTC
Post by sean_q
But surely people
as clever as the stargazing Mayans wouldn't have created this
cosmic cliffhanger for nothing.
So what did they know that we don't
That it's possible to run out of writing material just as it's getting
to the exciting bit.
2012-12-21 18:30:03 UTC
Post by Grimly Curmudgeon
Post by sean_q
But surely people
as clever as the stargazing Mayans wouldn't have created this
cosmic cliffhanger for nothing.
So what did they know that we don't
That it's possible to run out of writing material just as it's getting
to the exciting bit.
Dunno 'bout that.

There's still a lot of rocks around that haven't been written on...
Grimly Curmudgeon
2012-12-21 20:40:42 UTC
On Fri, 21 Dec 2012 10:30:03 -0800 (PST), Twibil
Post by Twibil
There's still a lot of rocks around that haven't been written on...
That's only the ones we know about...
2012-12-22 19:32:07 UTC
Post by sean_q
It seems the World is about to end with neither a bang nor a whimper,
but with some antique Mexican calender running out of pages
Uh... what happened? Did I miss something? Far as I can tell,
everything is back to normal. It's too bad I missed the Galactic
Alignment, but all I could see up in the sky last night were sopping wet
clouds raining on me. Hopefully there will be clear skies next
time around (26,000 years from yesterday) so people around here can
see for themselves. Meanwhile hopefully the Hubble took a few pix.

So where -- or when -- are we now? On some kind of Mayan Overtime?
Have I gotten my knickers in a knot over the past three years
over nothing?

Here is some Reeky dialog from 2009; my O/P and 1 reply (of 23;


Mayan bikers

There are no bikers with Mayan driver's licenses because the Mayan
government went into decline (around 900 AD) and was finally suppressed
by the Spanish, centuries before motorcycles were invented.

However, if there were any Mayan bikers they'd have a problem.
That's because their licenses would expire on December 21, 2012.

In fact the Mayan calendar itself stops on that date.

At least, that's what I heard on the History channel. What I don't
understand is, how does a calendar just "stop"? But then again
what do I know about it, I'm uni-calendrical.

Anyway, there are also predictions of major disorders on Dec 21, 2012.
That's the date when the sun will eclipse the center of the Galaxy,
which is a Black Hole where all the matter in the Universe came from.
(I'm not making this up, but I may have garbled what I heard).

I've never put much (if any) belief in astrology and so I don't
understand why such an astronomical event would cause a big problem.
Apparently this condition happens every 26,000 years. This is due
to a slow wobble in the Earth's rotation with a period of that interval.

So what big upheaval happened the last time around, 26,000 years ago?
Not much detailed history is known, just the fossil record and some
cave wall paintings. However at least one significant event around
that time was the disappearance of the Neanderthals.

Whatever the big day turns out to be, we've got just over 3 years
to get ready. I suppose we'll be hearing a lot more about it as it
draws closer. And maybe we're going to need the Mayans to help us;
at least they seemed to know something about it.

Perhaps the Mayan Government-in-Exile will emerge from obscurity
(most likely in the Hispanic District of Los Angeles) much to
the consternation of the Mexican authorities (not to mention
the Aztec Gov't-in-Exile) and the Cry of Dolores will be heard
once again.

By the time their land claims are settled there will be a revived
Mayan civilization, complete with bikers riding liter dual-sports
around the Yucatan, customized with their distinctive styling.

ps. If there had been Neanderthal bikers, they might have looked
like this:

They were a fairly conservative people, so I'm pretty sure they would
have ridden only cruisers, especially Harleys, no matter how many
Cro-Magnon sportbikes blasted past them on bike paths and game trails.



Actually, it's quite a popular 'end of mankind / the world /
the universe' theory, with many facets , 'confirmations', & 'proofs'.

Call me on the 22nd, I'll let you know how it all turned out.

If the line's dead - don't bother, so are you :-)
Click here every day to feed an animal that needs you today !!!

Paul ( pjm @ pobox . com ) - remove spaces to email me
'Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.'
'With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.'
2012-12-22 22:52:34 UTC
Post by sean_q
It seems the World is about to end with neither a bang nor a whimper,
but with some antique Mexican calender running out of pages
(complete with pinup girls. That *would* be a global calamity).
Worse. It seems Gangnam Style has just gone over 1 Billion views. The
world is lost.
2012-12-23 01:40:47 UTC
Post by Thomas
Worse. It seems Gangnam Style has just gone over 1 Billion views. The
world is lost.
I think some people watched it more than once.
2012-12-23 02:14:14 UTC
Post by Thomas
Worse. It seems Gangnam Style has just gone over 1 Billion views. The
world is lost.
An old saying sez: In matters of style, go with the crowd.
On matters of principle, stand firm like a rock.

Gangnam Style may seem like the end of the world. To me it's just
the latest tacky (but harmless) fad with presumptions at culture.
(But I would regret living in a world where it *is* the prevailing

I also ran across a few other new fad words I don't like.

** CAUTION: the rest of this posting is even more depressing than
the above. Reader discretion is advised. Better yet, stop now.

NEOLOGISM: a derogatory description for emerging new words.
I refuse to use this word.

TROPE: a convention for one or more types of embellishment in art,
language, music or other medium of communication. I won't use
this one, either.

MEME: I'm sorry I ever even heard of this one.

1 : an idea, belief or belief system, or pattern of behavior that
spreads throughout a culture either vertically by cultural inheritance
(as by parents to children) or horizontally by cultural acquisition
(as by peers, information media, and entertainment media)

2 : a pervasive thought or thought pattern that replicates itself via
cultural means; a parasitic code, a virus of the mind especially
contagious to children and the impressionable

3 : the fundamental unit of information, analogous to the gene
in emerging evolutionary theory of culture
- meme pool (n.) : all memes of a culture or individual

4 : in blogspeak, an idea that is spread from blog to blog

5 : an internet information generator, especially of random or
contentless information

(Etymology : meme : derived from the Greek mimëma, 'something
imitated', by Richard Dawkins in 1976)
Santa Claus is a more persistent meme than weasel frosting.

Used to give a bit of pseudo-academic gravitas to stupid viral shit.

A 'meme' doesn't have to be funny, provocative or even make sense.
Most memes fall into one of three categories:

- 'Quirky' stuff that isn't funny.
- Pathetic stuff that fills you with vicarious despair.
- Revolting pictures that could be presented to some alien jury as
evidence that humanity is cancer.

All that is required for a meme to succeed is for a critical mass
of basement dwellers to get in on it. This being done, it will
be spread over bulletin boards everywhere like the pox. Much drama
and the locking of thousands of discussions across the web will follow,
for what is known to the trolling elite as 'lulz'.

This word defies easy definition. It lost touch with 'funny' long ago,
and now looks suspiciously like the sort of drama-whoring same 'elite'
correctly pans.

The meme having taken hold, they and similar circle-jerking gobfags
proceed with a relentless propaganda onslaught on its behalf, which
culminates in several hundred fucktarded spinoffs and maybe - if it's
clean - a spot on the news.

At this point, the sneering pricks who first publicised the 'meme'
declare it to be 'old' and begin to snipe at anyone still found to be
using it.

An item of pop culture propogated via word of mouth. Usually used
in reference to the latest cool website that is propogated by e-mail.
Mahir, of "I kiss you" and "I invitate you to Turkey" fame.
"All your base are belong to us" the flash video, song, and
Photoshopped photos.
Strong Bad and Trogdor the Burninator.

1) An inside joke for people with no friends with whom to have actual
inside jokes.

2) A method to give meaning to otherwise meaningless, pointless lives.

3) Something, ANYTHING, that is on the Internet.
"Woo, yeah! Milhouse is a meme, or something! I know what that refers
to! I feel included!"

An inside joke of the internet and those that lurk around it.
The "rick roll" is an older, overused meme.


I better stop, lest I begin to acquire even more of Thomas' views.

